Monday, August 8, 2011

Colleagues of Mine

Mustika Nujum, 24 years old, desperate high-quality singlet :))
She is Brilliant, active, easy-going person
Left : Erla Novana Emping, 24 years old, taken but on sale :)
Right :Rizki Amalia, 24 years old, and no comment , hahahhahaa
Muhammad Ridwan a.k.a Sindel Waljinah, He is Friendly, funny, fun, fearless, female, loh, wkowkokww
Surya jayadi, hihihihihih, abang satu ini yg paling bijaksana, sabar dan oke dalam menghadapi apapun, cuma masalah ijab qabul aja ya kaksur lom siap, wkowkowkokwokwow

They all my friend at the office, but since my working day is as wasting most of my time everyday, and i could only have little spare time to spend without meeting them, so they all my friends in a moment, friends in any moment. Cheers guys, you all the Best :)


  1. Coomiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii photo gueeeeee ngapa yang onoooooohhhhhh *depresi berkepanjangan* whwowoo

  2. OMG baru nyadar ada postingan ini
    "no comment" on me? very wise decision...hahahha

  3. ini selalu bikin ngakak dahhhhhh postingannyaa :)))

  4. hihihi, mau ikutan komeeenn.. di posting foto ter-update nih *mnta di publish lg* :))
