Sunday, September 30, 2012

Good Luck to both of you guys

Having lost my two best colleagues at my office for just a month, my friend whom i shared laughs and shared everything in personal life and work life, and whatever kind of things to talked about. Now i lost them literary, but although we are still contacting each other, but it still fell not the same :D.

These two friend of mine like my four others who still staying is like my second family who will always support each other whatever, you named it, they all great. My first great pal is named Surya, he is funny crazy little guy, who often fill my work life in joy everyday, he knows what makes me laugh, he knows what makes me motivate, he knows almost everything i need, you go man, i wish you the best of luck in life and especially your career  i bet you can be successfull in both, cause i can feel it.

and the latest newest graduate employee is my friend Mustika, she's young lovely girl who has a nice smile that can contaminate us all with it, she is strong and smart, and she always been able to jump our mood from down to as high as it can, hahahha, she's a great person, energetic and nice, and it's a great lost to not having you here anymore.

To both of you, good luck  i hope Allah will always guide your path in life in your every steps, every minute, everytime, we will always staying here like forever, and you all need to know, this room is never feel the same again *sighs

I know that "people come and go but friendship will never end"

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Karena Ukuran Kita Tak Sama

Sungguh tidak bijak menuntut seseorang untuk menjadi orang lain di zaman yang sama, apalagi menggugatnya agar tepat seperti tokoh lain pada masa yang berbeda. ‘Ali ibn Abi Thalib yang pernah diperlakukan begitu, punya jawaban yang telak dan lucu.
“Dulu di zaman khalifah Abu Bakar dan ‘Umar” kata lelaki kepada ‘Ali, “Keadaannya begitu tentram, damai dan penuh berkah. Mengapa di masa kekhalifahanmu, hai Amirul Mukminin, keadaanya begini kacau dan rusak?”
“Sebab,” kata ‘Ali sambil tersenyum, “Pada zaman Abu Bakar dan ‘Umar, rakyatnya seperti aku.
Adapun di zamanku ini, rakyatnya seperti kamu!”
*kutipan dr Salim A. Fillah ‘Karena Ukuran Kita Tak Sama’

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